Preliminary (rough order of magnitude) metric Tons per carbon dioxide equivalent (tC02e) savings over 10 years assuming that 50,000 trucks per year are converted to electric vehicle is approximately 12,000,000- 15,000,000 t C0 2e. This is a conservative estimate and includes co-generation via gas fired equipment to create electricity for the charging stations.
This does not include local solar or wind and does not account for any waste heat being utilized for HVAC, Domestic Hot Water, etc. Additionally, once the grid utilizes non-carbon burning sources for 100 percent of the electrical generation, assuming the 500,000 trucks are still utilized, the reduction increases to 25,000,000-29,000,000 tC02e per year.
Part of the RFEI response should be that we will leverage the cleanest available technology and have a future plan to convert to all electric sources when the grid is available on non -carbon burning sources to maximize the carbon emissions reduction. This allows flexibility for the future and provides a day 1 and day 2 solution in preparation for a cleaner grid.

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