The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) is proposing street changes for truck route circulation and safety on Hunts Point Avenue from Randall Avenue/East Bay Avenue and Food Center Drive/ Halleck Street. The project seeks to improve and simplify the complex 5-legged intersection of Hunts Point Avenue / Halleck Street / Food Center Drive / East Bay Avenue by reducing conflict points at the heavily trafficked crossing. The project redesigns the complex intersection as a standard 4-legged intersection by implementing a turn restriction on Hunts Point Avenue. The plan proposes to provide pedestrian and cyclist amenities such as neckdowns, new crosswalks, two-way protected bike path on Hunts Point Avenue, and improved signal timing.
This is a major commercial corridor in New York City Home to residents, warehouses, businesses, and the Hunts Point Industrial Business Zone (IBZ) which includes:
- Hunts Point Food Distribution Center
- Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market
- New Fulton Fish Market
The area receives high volumes of truck traffic connecting to the truck route network from Randall Ave to Halleck St. Truck enter the Hunts Point peninsula:
- Edgewater Rd / Halleck St
- Leggett Ave
- Tiffany St
Speaking of truck route, the 2022 Truck Route Map is now here! The new map:
- Reviews changes that highlight NYC DOT programs to improve the efficiency of movements of goods and services through the city
- Includes information on the new double-parking regulations:
Free copies of the maps are available by request. Please click here if you would like to request print copies of the map. A digital version of the 2022 Truck Route Map is also available here.
From 2014-2019 there were 21 crashes involving trucks in this area that resulted in injuries. 19 of which involved a motor vehicle, 2 involved pedestrians, 0 involved cyclists. Hence the need to reduce conflict points at crossings.

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