As we all know, overnight truck parking has reached a crisis level around the country. It is particularly exacerbated in dense urban areas such as New York City. Trucks deliver around 90 percent of goods in New York City, far ahead of the national average of 72 percent. As such the need for safe overnight truck parking is enormous.
In response, City Hall has convened a Task Force with relevant City agencies to address overnight truck parking in NYC and to assess potential solutions.
The unintended consequences of the lack of overnight truck parking have created an influx of trucks parked on residential streets overnight, particularly in outer borough neighborhoods. With the increased use of freight and expected industry growth, the City needs to examine the trends and data, and come up with solutions that will be long term and sustainable.
With more input from the industry, NYC will be able to accurately assess the current circumstances and build upon the potential needs for the growing freight demand. Your responses are critical to help inform and guide the next steps.
Please click here for Overnight Truck Parking Survey.
The survey has been extended to March 17th. If there are any other associations or individuals you may know, please send them this survey to fill out. If you have any further questions, please email the task force at OTPTaskForce@cityhall.nyc.gov.

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