Operating a truck in the NYC metro region gets more challenging every year! Often there seems to be a disconnect between the industry and the City Department of Transportation (DOT). Join the Trucking Association of NY (TANY) as they host an outreach meeting on behalf of the NYC Department of Transportation. Representatives from the Office of Freight Mobility will provide an overview of their “Smart Truck Management Plan”. This includes but is not limited to parking issues, size & weight issues, off-hours delivery, and truck route compliance. This will NOT be a one-way discussion as DOT is specifically asking for industry input, as they put their plan in place. The event will be held from 6-9 PM on February 21st at the New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott, 102-05 Ditmars Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY. The Town Hall is free to attend and dinner will be served (there is a $10 parking fee).
To register complete the on-line registration form at TANY NYCDOT Outreach Meeting or contact TANY at (518)-458-9696 or info@nytrucks.org
This will double as the TANY Metro Region monthly meeting. Through monthly meetings and with the creation of a Government Affairs Sub-Committee to advocate for the industry on legislation and regulatory issues, TANY plans to make sure the truckers’ voices are heard throughout the region. And, of course, there’s strength in numbers. Your participation is vital.
(Note: newyorktruckstop.com is not affiliated with the Trucking Association of New York [TANY]. However, Zach Miller, co-publisher of this site and a member of TANY, is the chair of the TANY’s Metro Region Government Affairs Sub-Committee. Any questions? Reach Zach directly at zach@newyorktruckstop.com )

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