TruckTractorTrailer.com puts you where
you belong … in the driver’s seat.
For the first time in history, owner-operators and small fleets will be able to securely buy and sell their equipment with the power of a large fleet – the TTTExchange is the only place in the industry where you can safely:
- Negotiate online
- Buy a truck from your bunk
- Build a Wish List and put us to work sourcing your next truck
- Sell your truck for fair value
As a first step, we have ELIMINATED our Buyer’s Fee! You will pay ZERO to use the TTTExchange, and when you do, you will experience purchasing power like the big guys.
ZERO Risk – All Reward.
Ready to Sell Your Truck or Trailer?
TTT has changed the game forever by bringing buyers and sellers together in a secure, transparent platform. With our TTT 360+ Program, you can offer your truck or trailer for sale on the site with:
- A Certified Inspection
- JPro Readings
- DOT Certification
- Warranty Options
- Financing
- Insurance
- Delivery
These added benefits help you get retail offers on your truck and give buyers the assurance that your truck is worth every penny.
TruckTractorTrailer.com is committed to saving AAOO’s members $10 million. We ask that you lock hands with us and AAOO to help you save money, get top dollar for your rig, and put the power back in the driver’s seat.
TTT is a proud supporter of

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