The search is on for innovative solutions to enhance clean transportation and mobility options and reduce harmful emissions across New York State with a focus on underserved communities. The program is administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in partnership with the New York State Department of Public Service and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), as part of an allocation through New York’s Utility Make Ready program.
Applicants for the Clean Transportation Prizes competitions must register by July 22, 2021, to be eligible to submit proposals for the following Clean Transportation Prize competitions:
- Clean Neighborhoods Challenge
- Electric Mobility Challenge
- Electric Truck & Bus Challenge – Up to three $8 million grand prizes will be awarded to projects that demonstrate electrified solutions to the deployment of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles or their replacement through other electrified transportation modes. The Electric Truck & Bus Challenge submission deadline is Thursday, August 26, 2021.
- Solutions should electrify vehicles in one or more Weight Classes 3 through 8, representing vehicles with GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds. Vehicles can perform any vocational services.
- Each Proposal to the Electric Truck & Bus Challenge must be led by a Principal Organization, responsible for entering into an agreement with NYSERDA for the purposes of receiving a planning grant or grand prize Award. Any nonprofit, business or company, or other type of incorporated entity that is in good standing in the relevant jurisdiction(s) where they are incorporated and maintained may apply as a Principal Organization or be a member on a proposing team.
- At a minimum, all proposals should:
- Reduce air pollution and emissions in the areas in which MD/HD vehicles operate. Identify and demonstrate ways to reduce the cost and operational challenges of further deployment of MD/HD electric vehicles.
- Provide replicable strategies for electric MD/HD fleet charging with minimum required grid upgrades.
- Improve quality of life in disadvantaged and other impacted communities.
- Demonstrate a clear potential to be repeated in other fleets and communities and have the potential to scale in the chosen fleet and communities.
- To receive the highest scores for this challenge, Proposals must focus efforts and demonstrate emissions reductions in disadvantaged communities. Proposals may address paths toward the development of regulations to further accelerate electric MD/HD adoption.
Up to 15 projects within the IOU territories and up to three on Long Island could be awarded funding during the first phase. In the first phase, proposals will be selected by winter 2021-2022. Selected projects will be eligible to receive the following award package:
- A $100,000 planning grant
- Up to $50,000 in funding for community partners
- Up to $50,000 in-kind support from NYSERDA provided expert consultants
- Additional support services for project management, community engagement, and measurement and verification
Phase 2: Final proposals will be submitted by spring 2022 as part of the second phase and grand prizes to be selected in summer 2022.
- Phase One Awardees will enter into an agreement with NYSERDA for the $100,000 planning grant to strengthen their proposals for the opportunity to win an $8 million phase 2 award.
If you are a trucking, bus, or transportation company interested in competing, please contact Navneet Trivedi at Vrinda Inc.
NYSERDA: Full Announcement
Clean Transportation Prize: Website

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