After years of hard work between regulators, industry experts, logistics, providers, enforcement personnel, and more, New York City finally released its long-awaited freight plan. As New York City looks to rebuild its economy after the Covid-19 pandemic, and with changing consumer trends increasing e-commerce deliveries, the Smart Truck Management Plan comes at the perfect time. The plan seeks to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life for all New Yorkers by providing for the safe, equitable, efficient, and responsible movement of goods:
- Safety: Improve the safety of truck travel through and within the city:
- Implement new design standards based on best practices to enhance truck safety along 70 corridors by 2025.
- Educate all road users about safe truck operations on city streets through various safety education and outreach initiatives.
- Support policy and legislation targeted at truck driver and vehicle safety technology procurement requirements.
- Efficiency: Improve the efficiency of freight movement to, from, and within the city:
- Triple the number of Off-Hour Deliveries from 500 to 1500 locations by the end of 2021.
- Increase the number of loading zones citywide to reduce conflicts between and pursue placard reform in commercial and truck loading spaces.
- Promote urban freight consolidation concepts for last mile goods delivery to limit person-to person contact.
- Harmonize truck rules and regulations governing vehicle size and weight. Explore shared use locker storage for improved last mile goods delivery and reduced person-to-person contact in wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Sustainability: Foster the sustainable and responsible movement of goods:
- Expand the NYC Clean Truck Program to additional industrial business zones citywide and explore accelerating innovative financing options.
- Encourage uptake of zero-emission trucks.
- Develop data-driven citywide truck enforcement strategies and training programs.
- Expand and enhance the bridge strike reduction initiatives.
- Partnerships and Knowledge: Expand partnerships within the public and private sectors to increase awareness and understanding of freight activity:
- Continue engaging the trucking industry through DOT’s Freight Advisory Committee.
- Develop a continuous freight data collection program.
- Increase public engagement, awareness, and education of freight transportation.
- Establish a Smart Urban Freight Lab to study, test, and evaluate innovative last-mile freight strategies.
- Work with partners to explore additional opportunities for long-term truck parking facilities.
Trucking Association of New York (TANY) President Kendra Hems said “COVID has reminded us of the critical role the trucking industry and our drivers play in the daily lives of New Yorkers. Our members are essential in providing food, fuel, medicine and much more, every day to millions of New Yorkers. The Smart Truck Management Plan strikes a balance in improving the efficiency of freight delivery while preserving the quality of life and safety of New Yorkers. I commend Mayor de Blasio and the leaders at the New York City Department of Transportation for their vision and commitment to safety.”
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