There are two interesting events upcoming for businesses both large and small to expand their global reach. Many New Yorkers, businesses, and institutions are seeking meaningful ways to help Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion. To that end, the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce is hosting an online international networking event Thursday March 31st from 10AM to 11AM called “Doing Business with Ukraine and Estonia”. This event will match 30 Ukrainian service providers with Greater New York Chamber Members or other interested businesses seeking to source digitally deliverable services during this online networking.
Each company from Ukraine that will be participating runs its business through the Estonian e-Residency program, ensuring business continuity and providing the confidence of working with a European Union established entity, that has been facilitated and built on top of Estonia’s world-leading and secure digital infrastructure.
This event is meant to highlight the close relationship of Estonia and Ukraine, the interconnectedness of the Estonian and Ukrainian peoples, and provide an opportunity to drive new business and revenue to those from the community who need it the most. The networking event is complimentary to Greater New York Chamber Members.
Another event of interest will take place on Wednesday March 30th at 2PM, the United States Small Business Administration (SBS) and Public Private Strategies Institute will host a conversation about international trade with leading experts from the US Trade and Development Agency, Amazon and the SBA. Speakers will include Vinai Thummalapally, former Ambassador and Acting Director of the US Trade and Development Agency; Gabriel Esparza, Associate Administrator of SBA’s Office of International Trade; and Arrow Augerot, Director of International Policy, Americas for Amazon. The event will explore international trade and what it means to small businesses in the United States.
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