In 2019, over 10,000 people died in drunk driving accidents, all 100% preventable.
The dangers and consequences of drinking and driving affect all of us today. Often it is the innocent third parties that suffer most when it comes to alcohol-related crashes.
Although statistically, we have seen a decrease in drunk driving crashes over the past ten years, someone is still injured in such an accident every 120 seconds in the U.S.
Drunk Driving Statistics: Key Elements
- In the United States, one person dies due to a drunk driving car crash every 52 minutes. That is one person almost every hour whose death can be prevented from drunk driving car crashes.
- The annual cost of alcohol-related incidents totals over 44 billion. With each accident, insurance rates, taxes, and medical costs increase to cover these costs.
- 1 of every 8 nighttime, weekend drivers have marijuana in their system.
- In 2019, 10,142 died from drunk driving car accidents. This amounts to one-third of all fatal accidents in the US.
- The highest percentage of drunk drivers are between the ages of 21 and 24.
- Car crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths. Sadly, about a quarter of those crashes involve a 15-20-year-old (underage drinking) who had been driving under the influence of alcohol.
To avoid becoming a statistic of drunk and drugged driving, proactive measures and responsible actions are essential. Understanding the serious consequences of impaired driving, which can range from severe injuries to fatal accidents, is the first step. Pledge to never operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if you’ve consumed any, opt for alternatives like a designated driver, a taxi, rideshare apps, or public transportation. Refrain from getting into a car with a driver who might be under the influence. If you suspect someone is about to drive while intoxicated, intervene by suggesting alternatives or, if necessary, alerting authorities. Remember the principle: “If you feel different, you drive different.” This mindset helps to reduce the risk of being involved in a scenario where the services of a truck accident lawyer become necessary due to an unfortunate incident. Additionally, support community initiatives aimed at curbing drunk and drugged driving. This not only creates a safer environment for all but also preserves lives, yours included, by ensuring responsible choices are made on the road.
What Is Drunk Driving?
Drunk driving in the United States can be defined as:
Any person, over the age of 21, (the legal drinking age in the US) driving a vehicle whose Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher.
- Any person, under the age of 21, driving a vehicle who has even a small trace of alcohol in their system is still considered a drunk driver. Teenagers cannot legally purchase alcohol until 21 years of age.
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