Statement from the Trucking Association of New
York (TANY) in response to Mayor Eric Adams
Announcement on Heavy Duty Enforcement
(New York, NY) – Kendra Hems, President of the Trucking Association of New
York, the sole New York affiliate of the American Trucking Associations,
representing over 580 member companies issued the following statement:
“While we in no way condone parking on residential streets where it is illegal to
do so, we feel it is imperative to understand that we cannot ticket our way out of
this problem. Heavy enforcement alone has not worked in the past and will not
work now absent available commercial vehicle parking. The reality is that drivers,
many of them our neighbors, family and friends, simply have nowhere to park.
This is not their personal vehicle but the vehicle that embodies their livelihood
and provides for their family.
That is why the City must address the underlying issue of inadequate truck
parking in all five boroughs. The industry is taking steps but we cannot do this
alone, we need our partners in government to dedicate the time and resources to
resolve this problem. The industry must be part of this process and we are eager
to work with this administration to finally find meaningful, long-term solutions
that benefit all New Yorkers, drivers included.”
TANY Respond to NYC CMV Parking Enforcement
*Note, Publisher Zach Miller is a TANY Board Member

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