The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) is looking to incentivize the use of low-emission and electric commercial vehicles (green vehicles) through curb regulations. Low-emission vehicles include vehicles using alternative fuel, such as biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen.
The concept of Green Loading Zones (GLZs) is proposed to help facilitate low- and zero emission vehicle deliveries. GLZs are sections of the curb that are for exclusive use by green vehicles for loading and unloading activities.
As such, they created a survey which seeks to learn about companies current fleet operations, and current use of green vehicles, as well as associated challenges around the use of green vehicles, and it aims to explore possible means for further adopting green commercial vehicles such as Green Loading Zones.
Please contact Stephen Solecki at with any questions or comments.
For companies interested in incentives to convert to cleaner vehicles, the New York City Clean Trucks Program may work for you. The program offers rebate incentive funding to reduce diesel exhaust emissions by replacing older, heavy polluting diesel trucks with new battery-electric, or EPA emission compliant alternative fuel (compressed natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid, and plug-in hybrid) and diesel trucks. Funding is available from $12,000 up to $185,000 per truck replacement, depending on fuel type and truck class size.
If this program doesn’t work for you but you are still interested in fleet electrification, EVrinda is an aggregation platform that brings qualified customers, innovative financiers, utilities, and third party vehicle and charger providers to develop and implement customized business models to accelerate fleet electrification.
GLZs are part of a more holistic strategy that cities such as New York are looking at related to urban freight deliver. Naturally there are many components to sustainable delivery, which are discussed in a series of think pieces.
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