Driving is usually fun until your car grinds to a halt at the wrong hour. Whether you use a brand-new or slightly older vehicle, you may experience a car breakdown at one point or another. Experiencing breakdowns is part of driving, as research reveals that 25% of drivers run into roadside issues every six months. These can leave you stranded with no clue on how to complete the rest of your journey. Remembering the following points will save you from any inconvenience of vehicle breakdowns and help you stay safe during such situations.
1. Alert other drivers about your vehicle breakdown
When your vehicle breaks down, one important step is to signal to other drivers about your situation. One way to do this is to switch your hazard lights and place reflectors on the highway at your vehicle’s rear and front end. Depending on the street, time of day, or weather, staying in your vehicle with your doors locked until help comes may be better. However, you must leave the car immediately if an emergency, such as a fire, is developing. Staying inside may only be done carefully in mild breakdown cases with no sense of urgency.
2. Watch out for strangers
These days trusting random strangers can be risky. While some good Samaritans may come your way with vital assistance, ensuring thieves don’t exploit your situation is recommended. There may be untrustworthy people around that can cause further harm if you overlook your safety. If anyone approaches you to offer assistance, and you’re concerned about your safety, consider remaining in your vehicle with the windows slightly rolled down. You can call 911 when you suspect any foul play.
3. Move your car away from the highway
Sometimes, your car can break down in the middle of the road, exposing you to higher risks of collision with oncoming traffic. Roads in the United States are pretty dangerous, with statistics reporting over 4000 pedestrian deaths yearly. Accident risks escalate when cars travel over 60 and 70 miles per hour. It’s advisable to seek professional assistance to tow your damaged vehicle from the main road to a safer location or a nearby repair shop. To do this correctly, consider calling an experienced flatbed towing company to help you get your automobile off the road with maximum protection. Although traditional hook-and-chain car towing methods can be convenient, they can damage your precious vehicle’s transmission system if not done properly. If you own some pets or travel with kids, be sure to prioritize their safety during the vehicle transportation process.
4. Be careful with your DIY
Attempting to fix your car alone may not be a bad idea, provided you know what you are doing. However, you don’t want to aggravate matters with the wrong procedures. Except you are dealing with minor faults like changing a spare tire or fluid, it helps to wait until a mechanic diagnoses the problem. Always listen for signs of imminent performance issues while driving and conduct routine maintenance procedures before embarking on a long journey to reduce the likelihood of having Flat tires, dead batteries, and engine problems during your trip.

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